Bro Tathan Large Scale Power


Burroughs were appointed to assist Welsh Government in securing power supplies for the new Bro Tathan Development. Faced with grid constraints and a challenging power supply landscape, the decision to establish an independent power supply became a strategic imperative to enhance the site’s appeal to potential developers.

Burroughs played a pivotal role in securing a crucial application to the National Grid Electricity Transmission, the authority responsible for England and Wales’ high-voltage electricity transmission network, spearheading the approval for a robust 280MW power supply via the existing 132kV NGET substation at Aberthaw. Burroughs are leading a multi consultant team through the remaining phases of the project which includes undertaking design and delivering complex procurement.

This project demonstrates Burroughs’ commitment to delivering innovative solutions that drive progress and meet the unique challenges of each project.

Client / Project TEam

Welsh Government / Roadnight Taylor / Pinsent Mason / Energy People