Uskmouth Energy Storage Project


Burroughs was appointed to deliver the RIBA concept and spatial coordination design for the Uskmouth Energy Storage Project. This project aims to create a first stage 230MW+ energy storage facility, featuring over 100 proprietory battery units.

When completed Uskmouth will be one of the largest storage projects in the UK and will directly support the UK’s energy transition. The planned 460MWh Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), is located at the site of the former Uskmouth coal fired power station in South Wales and will utilise existing power transmission infrastructure and provide a new lease of life to the area.

The scope of work undertaken by Burroughs encompassed refining the architect’s layout for the 500m x 500m site and advancing the design of the earthworks, drainage, battery storage structure, fencing, landscape and utility connections to a stage suitable for contractor tendering. The scope  also incorporates planning condition requirements into the design considerations.

This project is an excellent example of Burroughs’ ability to navigate complex challenges, deliver innovative solutions, and prioritise sustainability while meeting client objectives.

    • Transportation Logistics: Addressing planning permission restrictions on road traffic movements through a nearby village—limited to 30 per week—was a significant challenge. To overcome this, Burroughs identified an on-site railhead, inspecting and recommissioning it for use. This enabled the potential transportation of aggregate from a local quarry and pre-fabricated construction components by rail, minimising road traffic, reducing pollution risks, saving construction time, optimising space on site, enhancing quality, and reducing waste.


    • Site Elevation and Flood Risk: The site’s susceptibility to flooding required the ground levels to be raised by more than 2m to mitigate flood risk. The finished ground level necessitated meticulous planning of the site’s layout, fencing, and access to accommodate future site developments effectively.


    • Historic Building Repurposing: An existing garage/maintenance facility on-site was proposed to be repurposed to preserve the site’s historical appearance and reduce capital investment. The refurbished building, set to achieve BREEAM excellent rating, includes insulation, a green roof, atrium, and solar PV panels. A significant enhancement to user experience at the site.


    • Innovative Emergency Containment: Burroughs introduced an innovative subterranean solution for containment of emergency run-off in the case of fire or leakage, designing underground cells that are individually isolatable and equipped to contain contaminants. This design not only ensured SAB acceptance but also facilitated maintenance access without disrupting storage operations as well as uphold the high sustainability credentials for this flagship ESG Project.


    • Sustainable Drainage (SAB): SAB drainage achieved notable success through close collaboration between Burroughs, the client and the SAB, allocating ample space for sustainable drainage, including ecological attenuation areas, to control flows back to historical greenfield run-off rates. This approach featured robust planting and enhanced fledgling water vole habitat.


    • Cable Routing Optimisation: Burroughs optimised cable routing from the main substations to the battery units, offering valuable guidance on the required surveys, including topographical surveys, ground-penetrating radar, and ground investigation, to finalise the design effectively. An existing on-site tunnel from the former coal storage facility to the power plant was utilised to run electrical cables. Burroughs conducted necessary tunnel repairs and dewatering, enhancing the security of power cables.


    • Fire Water Tank Repurposing: Old firewater tanks on-site were assessed for refurbishment and repurposing, extending their life as new water tanks for fire risk management. This sustainable solution embraces the ethos of reduce, reuse, recycle and ensures structure longevity and a readily available water supply for the fire service during emergencies.


The establishment of a strong client relationship and the provision of attentive service ensured a quick design turnaround, meeting project timelines and client expectations.

Burroughs effectively managed numerous client-initiated layout changes, ensuring the design remained adaptable to evolving requirements related to fire risk and insurance concerns. Overcoming stringent road traffic restrictions by rehabilitating an on-site railhead demonstrated Burroughs’ ability to identify innovative solutions to logistical challenges, reducing pollution risks and construction programme and the successful implementation of sustainable drainage practices, achieving full SAB compliance, demonstrates Burroughs’ expertise in managing water flow and environmental impact.

Client / Project TEam

PEP / Quinbrook