The outline planning application will seek permission for the redevelopment of land formerly comprising the ‘east camp’, for the demolition of existing structures and the erection of up to 285,000 sqm of employment facilities and associated works including access, drainage and landscaping.
Bydd y cais cynllunio amlinellol yn ceisio caniatâd i ailddatblygu tir a oedd yn cynnwys ‘gwersyll y dwyrain’ gynt, i ddymchwel strwythurau presennol a chodi hyd at 285,000 o fetrau sgwâr o gyfleusterau cyflogaeth a gwaith cysylltiedig gan gynnwys mynediad, draenio a thirweddu
Our Consultation /
Ein hymgynghoriad
As well as engaging with and consulting statutory consultees, such as Natural Resources Wales, we want to gather feedback from those who live, work and visit the local area. Available on this website, and at our public consultation events, is a summary of what is being proposed, and how you can respond to the consultation.
Yn ogystal ag ymgysylltu ac ymgynghori ag ymgyngoreion statudol, fel Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, rydym eisiau casglu adborth gan bobl sy’n byw ac yn gweithio yn yr ardal leol ac yn ymweld â hi. Mae’r wefan hon, a’n digwyddiadau ymgynghori cyhoeddus, yn cynnwys crynodeb o’r hyn sy’n cael ei gynnig, a sut gallwch ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad.
Please come and speak to a member of the project team at one of our two events, which will be held at:
Dewch i siarad ag aelod o dîm y prosiect yn un o’n dau ddigwyddiad, a gynhelir yn:
Date | Time | Venue |
Friday 27 October 2023 | 2pm – 8pm | Llantonian Hall, Boverton Road, Llantwit Major, CF61 1TF |
Saturday 11 November 2023 | 10am – 4pm | St Athan Community Centre, Glyndwr Avenue, St Athan, CF62 4PP |
Dyddiad | Time | Venue |
Dydd Gwener 27 Hydref 2023 | 2pm – 8pm | Neuadd Llantonian, Boverton Road, Llanilltud Fawr, CF61 1TF |
Dydd Sadwrn 11 Tachwedd 2023 | 10am – 4pm | Canolfan Gymunedol Sain Tathan, Glyndwr Avenue, Sain Tathan, CF62 4PP |
You can respond to this consultation by /
Gallwch ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad hwn trwy:
Completing a feedback questionnaire online, Click Here For The English Version Lenwi holiadur adborth ar-lein, sydd ar gael isod , Click Here For The Welsh Version
Downloading, printing and completing a feedback questionnaire* and returning it to /
Lawrlwytho, argraffu a llenwi holiadur adborth* a’i ddychwelyd i
FAO Bro Tathan East Consultation, 4 Pierhead Street, Cardiff, CF10 4QP
Writing to the project team at /
Ysgrifennu at dîm y prosiect yn
FAO Bro Tathan East Consultation, 4 Pierhead Street, Cardiff, CF10 4QP
Emailing us at /
Anfon neges e-bost atom
*Given the free text boxes are limited in size, you can attach additional sheets of paper to complete answering any questions. However, please clearly state on any additional paper provided which question you are responding to.
*Oherwydd bod maint y blychau testun rhydd yn gyfyngedig, gallwch atodi dalenni ychwanegol o bapur os bydd angen. Ond nodwch yn glir ar unrhyw bapur ychwanegol a ddarperir ba gwestiwn rydych yn ymateb iddo.
To help provide feedback to our proposals, we have provided a copy of the exhibition banners which will be available at our public information events, which summarises the assessments we’ve carried out and what it is we are proposing. Please see the information below, including our feedback questionnaire provided so that you are able to provide your feedback to us. A Non-Technical Summary (NTS) has been produced to help you better understand our proposals and their likely impacts, and to help you complete our questionnaire. The banners, questionnaire and NTS are all available in English and Welsh, and are linked below.
Er mwyn helpu i roi adborth ar ein cynigion, rydym wedi darparu copi o faneri’r arddangosfa a fydd ar gael yn ein digwyddiadau gwybodaeth i’r cyhoedd, sy’n crynhoi’r asesiadau rydym wedi’u cynnal a’r hyn rydym yn ei gynnig. Gweler y wybodaeth isod, gan gynnwys ein holiadur adborth a ddarparwyd fel y gallwch roi eich adborth i ni. Mae Crynodeb Annhechnegol wedi cael ei gynhyrchu i’ch helpu i ddeall ein cynigion a’u heffeithiau tebygol yn well, a’ch helpu i lenwi ein holiadur. Mae’r baneri, yr holiadur a’r Crynodeb Annhechnegol i gyd ar gael yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, trwy’r dolenni isod.
Download Documents
Non Technical Summary – English Version
Non Technical Summary – Welsh Version
Planning Application Form
Site Location Plan
Siting Parameter Plan
Height Parameter Plan
Illustrative Plans (Option-01) (Option-02)
Illustrative Sections
Demolition Plan
Bat House Plans (Elevations) (Plan) (Sections)
DAS (Access Option 01) (Access Option 02)
Green Infrastructure Strategy
Planning Statement
Welsh Language & Community Action Plan
Combined Phase 1 Geo-environmental & Geotechnical Assessment – Desk Top Study
Phase 1 Ground Investigation Report
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Drainage Strategy
Transport Assessment
Framework Travel Plans
Energy & Heat Masterplan
Demolition Management Plan & Method Statement
Phase 1 Ecology
Volume 1: Main Text
Download link includes:
Introductory Chapters 1 – 4
Chapter 5: Landscape Chapter
6: Archaeology and Heritage Chapter
7: Noise Chapter
8: Transport Chapter
9: Ecology Chapter
10: Socio-Economics Chapter
11: Conclusion
Volume 2: Technical Appendices – Documents to Download
1.1 Screening Opinion
1.2 Scoping Opinion
1.3 Scoping Report
3.1 Outline Demolition Environmental Plan & Method Statement
5.1 Landscape And Visual Impact Assessment Methodology
5.2 Scoping of LANDMAP Aspect Areas
5.3 Landscape Baseline and Effects
5.4 Visual Baseline and Effects
6.1 Archaeological and Heritage Desk-Based Assessment (Tetra Tech, 2023a)
6.2 Heritage Impact Assessment (Tetra Tech, 2023b)
6.3 Written Scheme of Investigation: Archaeological Monitoring (Red River Archaeology, 2022a)
6.4 Written Scheme of Investigation: Archaeological Evaluation (Red River Archaeology, 2022b)
6.5 Written Scheme of Investigation: Geophysical Survey (SUMO, 2023a)
6.6 Archaeological Monitoring Report (Red River Archaeology, 2023a)
6.7 Archaeological Evaluation Report (Red River Archaeology, 2023b)
6.8 Geophysical Survey Report (SUMO, 2023b)
7.1 Construction Plant List
7.2 Baseline Noise Survey
8.1 Transport Assessment
8.2 Framework Travel Plan
8.3 Net Impact Traffic Flows
9.1 Great Crested Newt monitoring report within West Orchard and Beggars Pound
9.2 Bat House monitoring Report
9.3 Habitat monitoring report at North
9.4 Dormouse monitoring report at North
9.5 Extended Phase 1 Habitat
9.6 Breeding Birds Survey Report
9.7 Barn Owl Survey Report
9.8 Bat Tree Survey Report
9.9 Bat Building Survey Report
9.10 Bat Farmhouse Survey Report
9.11 Bat Survey Underground Structures
9.12 Dormouse Survey Report
9.13 Reptiles Survey Report
Volume 3: Figures – Documents to Download
1.1 Site Location Plan
3.1 Siting Parameters Plan
3.2 Height Parameters Plan
3.3 Access Options 1
3.4 Access Options 2
*5.1 – 5.12 Combined
9.1 Designated Sites and Priority Habitats
9.2 Phase 1 Habitats
9.3 Illustrative Pre-demolition Green Corridor Landscaping
9.4 Illustrative Pre-construction Green Corridor Landscaping
9.5 Indicative Offsite Compensation Habitats
*Download link includes:
5.1 Study Area and Site Location
5.2 Topography and Hydrology
5.3 Landscape Designations
5.4 LANDMAP Geological Landscape
5.5 LANDMAP Landscape Habitats
5.6 LANDMAP Cultural Landscape Services
5.7 LANDMAP Visual and Sensory
5.8 LANDMAP Historic Landscape
5.9 Local landscape character
5.10 ZTV (with screening)
5.11 Viewpoint Locations
5.12 Viewpoint Photosheets
Volume 4: NTS – Documents to Download
Registered/Head Office: Burroughs, 4 Radnor Court, 256 Cowbridge Road East, Cardiff, CF5 1GZ
Tel: +44 (0) 29 2064 7484 |
Regional Office: Burroughs, Room 318, Engine Shed, Station Approach, Temple Meads, Bristol, BS1 6QH
Registered in England and Wales