The proposed development comprises a National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) 132 / 33 / 11 kV substation and associated infrastructure including access, landscaping and drainage (including expansion works to an existing attenuation basin). In summary, the proposed substation compound will comprise the following:
The development is proposed on land located to the south-east of Imperial Park, Coedkernew, Newport. The site is undeveloped, greenfield land and is bound by Dyffryn Lane and greenfield land to the north; greenfield land and residential dwellings to the east; Dyffryn Lane and greenfield land to the west; and grassland, reens and field ditches to the south.
Benefits of the Proposal
The proposed development will provide essential electrical infrastructure to meet the local power supply needs associated with the employment and industrial uses within Imperial Business Park. Whilst there is adequate power supply to serve the existing operational development, due to the increasing number of consented developments coming forward in the surrounding area, an increased power supply is required. The proposed electrical infrastructure will also support growth and allow developments to come forward within the allocated Duffryn Employment Area (allocated within the Newport Local Development for 38.5ha of B1, B2 and B8 uses).
We would invite you to email us with your views at
We would welcome your comments on our proposals by 30/08/2023.
Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy.
Archaeological Impact Assessment
Archaeological Watching Brief Report
Arboriculture Impact Assessment
Planning, Design and Access Statement
Landscape and Visual Appraisal
Noise and Vibration Assessment
Information to Inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment
Dormouse Conservation Strategy
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 3 – Preliminary Ecology Assessment
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 4 – Bat Survey Report
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 5 – Badger Survey Report
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 6 – Dormouse Survey Report
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 7 – Wintering Birds Survey Report
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 8 – Great Crested Newt Survey Report
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 9 – Reptile Survey Report
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 10 – Riparian Mammal Survey Report
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 11 – Invertebrate Survey Report
Ecology Impact Assessment Appendix 12 – Vegetation Survey Report
Download Drawings
Proposed General Arrangement Plan
Registered/Head Office: Burroughs, 4 Radnor Court, 256 Cowbridge Road East, Cardiff, CF5 1GZ
Tel: +44 (0) 29 2064 7484 |
Regional Office: Burroughs, Room 318, Engine Shed, Station Approach, Temple Meads, Bristol, BS1 6QH
Registered in England and Wales