Burroughs Abseil for Mental Health


Burroughs are thrilled and a little nervous to announce, that 5 of our staff will be throwing themselves off the top of St David’s Hotel & Spa, Cardiff all in aid of bigmoose this weekend!

Kelly, Katie, Sam, Arron and Ryan have bravely volunteered all in aid raising money and awareness for mental health.

Please support them by donating here.

Click here to find out more about bigmoose and the amazing work they do.


The 14th of April 2024 marked a day of triumph and camaraderie as participants from all walks of life came together to take part in the bigmoose Ultra Fun Run 2024. The event, known for its vibrant atmosphere and spirit of community, saw individuals from various backgrounds gather to celebrate health, fitness, and charitable giving.
Slight change to tradition for St Davids Day, Burroughs staff attended a Murder Mystery Evening, run by Murder by Design who have featured on Netflix.
The 23rd of June 2023 witnessed an inspiring display of community spirit and sportsmanship at the Burroughs bigmoose Charity Football Tournament 2023. The event, organised to support bigmoose, brought together teams and supporters for a day of friendly competition and charitable giving.