A38-M5 Junction 4 Approach Widening


Burroughs worked with Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd and Worcestershire County Council to improve the A38 interface with the M5 J4 roundabout. The scheme included widening of the carriageway, upgrading the drainage network, and widening of the earthworks to accommodate the increased width of the road.

The scheme involved liaison with Highways England who own the land on which the roundabout is situated, in order to gain approval for the works affecting their land and tying into their network. The scheme was undertaken in 2020.

The scheme provides an increased number of lanes both northbound and southbound in order to increase capacity and reduce congestion on the A38. It is part of a wider package of works which is being undertaken by Worcestershire County Council, aiming to provide additional capacity and improve journey time through Bromsgrove, to support identified growth in the area.

Client / Project TEam

Worcestershire County Council