Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water – Potable Water Main Schemes


Burroughs is a long-standing Member of the Capital Maintenance Design Services Framework for Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water and is a trusted partner undertaking the design of public potable water schemes throughout Wales for over 25 years.

Burroughs is familiar with the constraints and influences which shape these public sector projects, together with our Client’s evolving operational processes and systems and, accordingly, we are able to efficiently design and produce work packages in support of the Client’s installation and maintenance programmes whilst seamlessly integrate with MI goals and client systems.

Burroughs ensures that throughout the design development process, Dŵr Cymru operations staff are integral to the design development, which is progressed in sympathy with land ownership and access parameters, ensuring all affected stakeholders are brought along on the design journey which ultimately results in a smoother process and happier customers/clients.

Client / Project TEam

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water