Burroughs worked as the lead design partner for the main contractor Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd to deliver the Hoobrook Roundabout Improvement project in Kidderminster for Worcestershire County Council.
The overall scheme objective is to alleviate congestion and improve network efficiency at this critical junction between A442 Worcester Road, A449 Chester Road South and A449 Worcester Road and provide enhanced journey time reliability and safety for road users.
The design included widening the approaches and circulatory carriageway of an existing heavily trafficked roundabout and incorporating MOVA coordinated signalisation of three of the arms, whilst maintaining a live junction during construction. The new signals, synchronised with adjacent signalised junctions, provided a comprehensive coordinated and integrated traffic management solution, whilst also including improved active travel connections and improved sustainable drainage management. Burroughs were the overall design lead as well as covering the majority of design disciplines including, highways and active travel 3D geometry, road safety, earthworks, drainage, road pavement, fencing, kerbing, street lighting and traffic signals, traffic signs and road markings and landscaping.
Burroughs worked collaboratively as part of a well-integrated project team with AGCL and WCC to ensure the design that we developed was buildable and deliverable within the WCC funding and programme constraints. A great example of our added value on the project was in the 3D BIM Model we generated through the design development to allow clash detection checking as well as assist the contractor with the construction planning and form part of the handover package for WCC for ongoing operation and maintenance. This model identified early a clash with an existing BT chamber that would require diversion with costs in excess of £1m. We were able slightly rotate the circulatory carriageway to remove the need to divert this chamber whilst also maintaining and overall layout in compliance with the design standards and that was buildable.
Registered/Head Office: Burroughs, 4 Radnor Court, 256 Cowbridge Road East, Cardiff, CF5 1GZ
Tel: +44 (0) 29 2064 7484 | admin@burroughs.co.uk
Regional Office: Burroughs, Room 318, Engine Shed, Station Approach, Temple Meads, Bristol, BS1 6QH
Registered in England and Wales