Sabrina Bridge


The Sabrina bridge over the River Severn in Worcester was opened in 1992, serving the area between the university buildings and businesses on the west bank, to the racecourse and city centre on the east bank.

Over time, the condition of the deck had deteriorated, and required replacement. The bridge has an A-frame tower on the west, with asymmetric cable support to the span. To repair the deck and replace bearings, the bridge was lifted out in sections.

Burroughs carried out the temporary works design for crane platforms, temporary supports, and temporary structures to carry services while the bridge deck was replaced. The banks either side are part of the flood defences for Worcester, beyond this Hylton Road is directly to the west and the racecourse to the east, constraining the locations for the lifts, which required three cranes acting together.

Works were undertaken in 2020.

Client / Project TEam

Alun Griffiths Contractors Ltd / Worcestershire County Council