Southend Airport Runway Blast Pad


The existing grass area to the end of the runway at Southend Airport had been eroded and torn up as a result of jet blasts from large aircraft. This had led to Foreign Object Debris (FOD) such as rock becoming a hazard to the safety of the Airport.

To tackle this urgent problem Southend Airport commissioned Burroughs to carry out a feasibility study. The study considered three material options for the 440marea: Aviation Grade Artificial Turf (AGAT), Asphalt and Concrete. Following the cost study conducted by Burroughs in collaboration with Southend Airport the decision was taken to use AGAT for the surface of the blast pad.

The AGAT, which has now been installed, is designed to reduce creation of FOD, provide erosion protection, allow surface drainage, be able to be trafficked by light maintenance vehicles and clear visual recognition. The project has been well received by the Regulator.

Client / Project TEam

London Southend Airport